Friday, June 10, 2005

but tell me just what has it ever meant.

changed internet modem, its being kinda queer and not working well hrm.
ystd majumalled with steph :)
were completely pissed with our math tys.
and also the queerdo grps1, 2, 3
totally intruding shh-land with their impertinence!
anyways, towned after that..
shopping, whee. much needed retail therapy..which didn't work much
found our stuff at pac plaza and scotts
uber embarrassing incident at Guess
not like i cared at that point of time
but now that i look back it is really cringe-o-worthy
yikes! haha but whatever la.
steph is secretly impressed with my tiny arm muscles, amusedgalz.
we're healthygalz!
sandwich+caesar salad for lunch and mushroom soup with garlic bread for dinner
no appetite for anything else.
hahah i seriously get some cheap thrill out of the ah liansx lingo.
its completely addictive,
don't think i can quit it.

stephie bitchie!
thanks for being constantly there to listen. and excusing my rumbles and outrageous outbursts
awaiting your good news over the phone ltr, you happygalz
hahah. over a bikini and tube, yes. :D HAHA im suddenly thinking about teenvogue. -chuckles to self! hehe i love majumalling with you!

jiang thanks for calling :) hahah sorry abt my ps incident (trying to be discreet and not spelling the entire thing out!) see ya ltrrrrr..

happyhappyhappy 17th birthday, charm!
partyyy. miss you, hammie!

birthdays birthdays! lotsa people turned/turning 17 recently. reminds me of how mine is perpetually in the long wait..

Oh God
Please don't tell me this has been in vain
You kill me
You've always known the perfect thing to say
I know what I should do
But I just cant walk away

++ just a note to dearies signing my gbk ;;
HAHA im totally apologetic about the cheeeeeesyyyy layout.
signmyguestbook has declined my many attempts to change the layouts for a few years now! annoyed! haha.

/ Dashboard Conf. Am I missing. So impossible.
Jimmy Eat World Kill.